The Wheelie Bin Cleaner
For germ and odour free bins.
Call us now on 07724 279 618
Payment Options
Cash on the Day
If you catch us when we are cleaning, we will be happy to take payment then. But if you are out when we are cleaning your bin, if you feel comfortable in doing so, you can leave the funds in a safe place. Just let us know by replying to our reminder text the night before.
Advance Payments.
Due to some operators giving the rest of us a bad name, we will never suggest or ask for advance payments. However we do offer discounts if you prefer this payment method
Automated Payments.
This option you do need to register for. We take your card details that are stored by our card payment provider (NOT HELD ON OUR SYSTEM). Once registered, we will automatically charge your card on the day we clean. A valid email address is required for confirmation.
If you prefer to use PayPal you will need to provide us with the email or mobile number that you use when logging into PayPal. We will text you when we have cleaned your bin. You can transfer funds using the send function and our email as recipient (in the message box please use your address as reference or we will not know who has paid us.) or wait for the PayPal request we will send early evening. If you have a smartphone, you can download the app from your app store.
Bank Transfer (online banking)
If you prefer to use bank transfer we will send a text when we have cleaned your bin. Funds can then be transferred using our details we will provide in your welcome pack.
Debit / Credit card online.
Monthly Standing Order
It’s as simple as it sounds. Let us have your email and after every clean we will simply email you an invoice with a “Pay Now” button.

As an incentive we off discounts on monthly standing order. The cost is calculated annually, divided monthly and then discounted. This now been our preferred method of payment.